Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 3 Granada

Hola Amigos!

It´s our third day in Nicaragua. We have reconnected with our friend Reyna and her extended family through shared meals and much talking, showing pictures, gift-giving, etc. Reyna´s kids and her nephews and nieces who we visited three years ago are growing up. The niece who is Gabrielle´s age is now married! (Don´t get any ideas, Gabrielle!) One of Reyna´s sons has graduated from primary school and is learning the trade of carpentry.

We had dinner with a nice couple who Jennie connected with a year ago via e-mail. They rebuilt a nice colonial house with a beautiful courtyard. They have started a bamboo house business - the ultimate in environmentally-friendly building materials. We toured the factory that has begun turning out kits for low-cost housing in Haiti and other places where earthquakes can be a problem.

We met three young people, from France and Spain, who are volunteering in Costa Rica for a year. We visited Granada´s market and some artisan shops. We started Spanish lessons at Casa Xalteva.

Mucho occupado!

Here are some photos to give you an idea of our surroundings.

Some street scenes in Granada.

Here´s the house we´re renting for 2 weeks.

We "had to" get a membership at a pool for the week. It´s so hot here. It really helps to cool off in the pool.

Reyna, Manuel de Jesus, and Juan-Ramon. Jesser models the clothes we brought him.

Mercedes served up a feast in her backyard at lunchtime today. Here daughter and daughter-in-law smiled a lot. Her middle son modeled his new jacket and the newly-weds posed for their first picture as a couple.

The bamboo house factory. The founder is at the bottom.

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